Saturday, November 1, 2014

#31Nails2014 Day 7: Black and White - 1 - Giant Panda

Hello everyone!

I'm using an old giant panda manicure for day 7's challenge, which is BLACK and WHITE. (Actually I have one more black & white mani for NAILS Magazine's 31 day nail art challenge back in January) I made this when Xiao Liwu was about 6 months old. He's now two years and 3 months old. You can still watch him and his mother Bai Yun on the Panda Cam.

In the original blog post, Giant panda and giant panda cub water decals and videos, you can see one panda cub hand and one giant panda hand made with water decals, how to apply water decals, and some cute videos showing Bay Yun and the cub in the den, and his development the first half year. I also shared one more panda manicure that I had made earlier.

You will also find the details about the products I used, and links in the old blog post. The water decals were a gift from KKCenterHk.
